
Install on any *nix system using python and pip, or clone this repository and install locally (run or pip). Currently, the only necessary dependency is numpy. However, to gain access to more features, other libraries might be required. It’s easy to install them through pip. nigsp supports python versions 3.6+. However, please note that tests are run on python 3.7+.

Clone from Github / install without pip

:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: Please note that nigsp is continuously deployed, i.e. the latest feature available are immediately released on PyPI. To install nigsp from Github, clone the repository first, then move to the cloned folder and run:

$ python install

Alternatively, pip can be used too:

$ pip install .

Check nigsp installation

You can check if nigsp was installed correctly from a shell terminal:

$ nigsp --help

Alternatively, import it in python and check the version

import nigsp
